Our Projects


Financial Services

Insurance and Retirement Fund For Teachers :

The techers at our institution retire at 58 years of age. And at that time a very nominal amount of Rs.7500/ -is provided by us to them for their basic daily necessity, due to our shortage of funds,Sanchalika and Tedagar of Balvadi and staff of the institution have been Covered under the Schema of Group Insurance.Amount insured is Rs.10,000 for each Women & Rs.20,000 /-for each member of the Staff. The institution pays the premium every Year.All employees also benefit from an interest free loan of two monthly salaries.

Financial Aid Program :

With the intention of helping widows,divorcees,economically backward women various aids like school fees, books for their children is given from the relief fund. During the time of illness, health emergencies, pregnancy loans are also given. Loans are also given to build homes.